118 results

#Diagnosis #Neurology #Peripheral #Nerves #UpperLimbs #Extremity #BrachialPlexus #Roots #Injuries #Deficits #Radial #Median #Ulnar #Axillary
Peripheral #Nerves #UpperLimbs ... #Extremity #BrachialPlexus
Lower Extremity Venous Thrombosis - Management and Anatomy

Deep - Superficial - Active Bleeding

#LowerExtremity #Veins #Venous #Thrombosis
Lower Extremity ... Active Bleeding #LowerExtremity
Mechanisms of Lower Extremity Edema: #Diagnosis #Pathophys #EM #IM #Edema #Lower #LowerExtremity #Causes #Starling #Oncotic #Hydrostatic
Mechanisms of Lower Extremity ... #Edema #Lower #LowerExtremity
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Upper Limb Local Nerve Blocks

 - Interscalene
 - Supraclavicular
 - Infraclavicular
Local #Anesthesia #UpperLimb ... #Extremity #Nerve
Upper Extremity Dermatomes and Myotomes
Motor Function
 • Abduction - C5,C6 (axillary)
 • Adduction - C6, C7,
Upper Extremity ... #UpperLimb #Extremity
Chronic Arterial vs Chronic Venous Insufficiency.

#Venous #Arterial #Insufficiency #Comparison #Skin #PhysicalExam #LowerExtremity #Diagnosis

** GrepMed Recommended Text:
#PhysicalExam #LowerExtremity
Differential Diagnosis of Pedal Edema #Diagnosis #EM #IM #Edema #LowerExtremity #Differential #Unilateral #Bilateral #Acute #Chronic #Algorithm
EM #IM #Edema #LowerExtremity
Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks
Interscalene, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Axillary - Indications, positioning, and anatomy
#Management #Regional #Anesthesia #Local #Upper
Upper Extremity ... #Local #Upper #Extremity
Upper Extremity Nerve Pathologies 

 • Axillary Nerves
 • Musculocutaneous Nerve
 • Radial Nerve
 • Median
Upper Extremity ... sarahthelyon #Upper #Extremity
Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks
Femoral, Sciatic, Popliteal, Saphenous - Indications, positioning, and anatomy

#Management #Regional #Anesthesia #Local #Lower
Lower Extremity ... #Local #Lower #Extremity