1970 results
Algorithm for evaluating women with symptoms of Acute Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

#UTI #UrinaryTract #Infection #Algorithm #Diagnosis
Algorithm for evaluating ... (UTI) #UTI #UrinaryTract ... Algorithm #Diagnosis #Evaluation
An Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Emphysematous Urinary Tract Infections

#Emphysematous #UrinaryTract #Infection #UTI #Algorithm
Algorithm for the Evaluation ... Emphysematous #UrinaryTract
UTI treatment
#Diagnosis #UrinaryTract #Infection #UTI #Definition #Uncomplicated  #UrinaryTract #Infection #UTI #Algorithm #Diagnosis #Management #Urinary #Tract
treatment #Diagnosis #UrinaryTract ... Uncomplicated #UrinaryTract ... Management #Febrile #UrinaryTract
Hyponatremia - Differential Diagnosis and Evaluation Algorithm
In addition to edema and urine concentration, always consider urine
Diagnosis and Evaluation ... urine output when evaluating ... Differential #Diagnosis #Evaluation ... #Algorithm #nephrology
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Weakness

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

#Weakness #Algorithm #Evaluation #Diagnosis #Differential #Neurology
Algorithm for the Evaluation ... Weakness #Algorithm #Evaluation ... #Differential #Neurology
Urinary Tract Infection - Treatment UTI
Asymptomatic, Uncomplicated, Complicated 

#Management #UTI
Management #UTI #UrinaryTract
Microscopic Hematuria Evaluation and Management Algorithm

#hematuria #Hematuria #Evaluation #microsocopic #UA #urology #RBC
Microscopic Hematuria Evaluation ... hematuria #Hematuria #Evaluation ... microsocopic #UA #urology
The Febrile Child - some diagnostic clues to evaluating the febrile child.

#Febrile #Fever #Evaluation #Assessment #Signs
diagnostic clues to evaluating ... Febrile #Fever #Evaluation
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Specific Antibiotics - Class Overview

1. Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid) (PO)
2. Fosfomycin (PO)
3. Methenamine (PO)

Overview #UTI #UrinaryTract
An algorithm for the evaluation of hyponatremia 

- Dr. Tom Fadial https://twitter.com/thame

#hyponatremia #algorithm #diagnosis #nephrology #differential
algorithm for the evaluation ... algorithm #diagnosis #nephrology