86 results
Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring

#Obstetrics #Mnemonic #Fetal #HeartRate #Monitoring #VEALCHOP
Mnemonic #Fetal #HeartRate ... #Monitoring #VEALCHOP
The second method uses small boxes. Count the number of small boxes for a typical R-R
#EKG #Basics #HeartRate ... #Calculate #Rate
EKG Basics Rate Calculation #MedStudent #EKG #Basics #HeartRate #Rate #Intervals #EKGBasics #ECGEducator
#EKG #Basics #HeartRate
Pediatric Vital Signs Reference PocketCard
#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatric #VitalSigns #PocketCard #HeartRate #RespiratoryRate #Age #Normal #Nursing
VitalSigns #PocketCard #HeartRate
EKG Basics Card #MedStudent #EKG #Basics #HeartRate #Rate #Intervals #EKGBasics #ECGEducator
#EKG #Basics #HeartRate
Blood Gas (ABG) Interpretation and Acid-Base Pathology
1- Does the patient have an acidosis or an alkalosis?
metabolic problem, calculate ... pCO2 if equal to calculated ... if higher than calculated ... if lower than calculated
POCUS - Measuring Cardiac Output
1) Calculate LVOT Area
2) Calculate LVOT VTI
3) Calculate Cardiac Output

Cardiac Output 1) Calculate ... LVOT Area 2) Calculate ... LVOT VTI 3) Calculate
There are several methods for determining heart rate. Our first method is simple. Count the number
#EKG #Basics #HeartRate ... #Calculate #Rate
This table, along with our detailed references can be found online at http://www.pedscases.com/pediatric-vital-signsreference-chart .
For a more
Pediatric #VitalSigns #HeartRate
How to calculate the QTc (Bazett's Formula) 

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #ECG #EKG #Calculation #QTc #Bazett #Formula
How to calculate