25 results
#Clinical #MedStudent #Cardiology #EKG #PVT #Polymorphic #PolymorphicVentricularTachycardia #Polymorphic #VTach #ECGEducator
#Clinical #MedStudent ... #Polymorphic #VTach
1. "Sinus Tach" at ~150 bpm is your cue to look for flutter waves
2. Don't trust
"Sinus Tach" at ... #Clinical #EM #Cardiology
Type 1 Second-degree AV block, also known as Mobitz I or Wenckebach periodicity, is almost always
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent
Type 1 Second-degree AV block, also known as Mobitz I or Wenckebach periodicity, is almost always
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent
Ventricular tachycardia (V-tach or VT) is a type of regular and fast heart rate that arises
tachycardia (V-tach ... #Clinical #MedStudent ... Cardiology #EKG #VTach
Decompression Sickness - The physical examination revealed diffuse violaceous skin mottling over his trunk and arms
computed tomography was ... #Clinical #Derm ... #EM #Radiology #
The guide catheter was deliberately not engaged with the left main artery, as an occlusion was
guide catheter was ... as an occlusion was ... #Clinical #EM #IM
Cannon A waves during AVNRT on Physical Exam
In AVNRT, the atria and ventricles contract nearly simultaneously
when the finding was ... narrow complex tach ... that’s called “clinical
Our patient was exposed to burning sumac smoke while clearing out her yard .  Toxicodendron
Our patient was ... #Clinical #EM #Tox
Mobitz II heart block is characterized on a surface ECG by intermittently nonconducted P waves not
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent