1622 results
Drug-Induced Acute Kidney Injury - Sites of Action Along the Nephron

#DrugInduced #AcuteKidneyInjury #AKI #Nephrology #Pathophysiology #Pharmacology
the Nephron #DrugInduced ... AcuteKidneyInjury #AKI #Nephrology
Drugs Commonly Implicated as Triggers of Drug Induced Thrombocytopenia
#Diagnosis #Hematology #Thrombocytopenia #Differential #DrugInduced #Medications
#Differential #DrugInduced
Drugs and Classes Associated with DILI and Type of Liver Injury

#Medications #Differential #DrugInduced #LiverInjury #Hepatology #Pharmacology
#Differential #DrugInduced
Causes of Drug-Induced Cardiomyopathies

#DrugInduced #Medications #Cardiomyopathy #Cardiomyopathies #Differential #Causes #Cardiology #Pharmacology
Cardiomyopathies #DrugInduced
Medications that cause Hyponatremia

#Diagnosis #Pharmacology #Hyponatremia #Medications #DrugInduced #List #Differential
#Medications #DrugInduced
Drug-Induced Liver Injury - Pathophysiology

BWH Medicine Chiefs @BrighamChiefs

#DILI #DrugInduced #Liver #Injury #Pathophysiology #hepatology
BrighamChiefs #DILI #DrugInduced
Drug Induced Kidney Injury
 • Pre-Renal: NSAIDS, CNI, ACEI/ARB, IL-2 therapy, Diuretics CAR-T therapy
 • Osmotic
@kdjhaveri #DrugInduced ... diagnosis #algorithm #nephrology
Acute ED Migraine Therapy and Preventative Therapy Algorithm:
Acute migraine
 • IV NS IL bolus then infusion
after 1hr • Valproic ... 20 mg/min -> Neurology ... #prophylaxis #neurology
Pharmacology of Antipsychotic Drugs for Bipolar Disorder
 • PHENOTHIAZINES: Chlorpromazine, Fluphenazine, Thioridazine
 • THIOXANTHENE: Thiothixene
, Lamotrigine, Valproic
Valproic Acid in the ICU for Agitation and Delirium
Up to 70% of ICU patients experience agitation
Valproic Acid in ... ASykedPharmD #Valproic