112 results
EKG Basics Rate Calculation #MedStudent #EKG #Basics #HeartRate #Rate #Intervals #EKGBasics #ECGEducator
Rate Calculation #MedStudent ... #EKG #Basics #HeartRate
EKG Basics Card #MedStudent #EKG #Basics #HeartRate #Rate #Intervals #EKGBasics #ECGEducator
EKG Basics Card #MedStudent ... #EKG #Basics #HeartRate
The second method uses small boxes. Count the number of small boxes for a typical R-R
determine heart rate #MedStudent ... #EKG #Basics #HeartRate
Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring

#Obstetrics #Mnemonic #Fetal #HeartRate #Monitoring #VEALCHOP
Mnemonic #Fetal #HeartRate
Pediatric Vital Signs Reference PocketCard
#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatric #VitalSigns #PocketCard #HeartRate #RespiratoryRate #Age #Normal #Nursing
VitalSigns #PocketCard #HeartRate
Intra-arrest Echo showing V-Fib at rhythm check!

Sam Ghali, M.D. @ https://twitter.com/EM_RESUS

#VFib #VentricularFibrillation #POCUS #Echocardiogram #Ultrasound #Clinical
EM_RESUS #VFib #VentricularFibrillation
This table, along with our detailed references can be found online at http://www.pedscases.com/pediatric-vital-signsreference-chart .
For a more
Pediatric #VitalSigns #HeartRate
Point of Care Transesophageal Echocardiogram during Cardiac Arrest

POC-TEE in cardiac arrest: Instant recognition of shockable rhythm
transesophageal #vfib #ventricularfibrillation
There are several methods for determining heart rate. Our first method is simple. Count the number
#MedStudent #EKG ... #Basics #HeartRate

#stroke #neurology #differential  #medstudent #CEM
differential #medstudent