643 results
VT versus SVT with Aberration - Interpretation Cheat Sheet

Features favouring VT
● Absence of typical RBBB or
#VT #VTach #VentricularTachycardia ... Aberration #Aberrancy #Comparison
Approach to ECGs - VT vs. SVT - Wide Tachycardias
DDx = VT vs. SVT with BBB
VT #VTach #SVT #Comparison ... #VentricularTachycardia
Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) Signs #Diagnosis #Cardiology #EKG #VT #VentricularTachycardia #Signs #Josephson #Brugada #ECGEducator
Cardiology #EKG #VT #VentricularTachycardia
Signs Favoring Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) #Diagnosis #Cardiology #EKG #VT #VentricularTachycardia #Signs #Josephson #Brugada #ECGEducator
Cardiology #EKG #VT #VentricularTachycardia
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of NSVT #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #Cardiology #NSVT #Evaluation #NonSustained
#NonSustained #VentricularTachycardia
It starts as sinus rhythm with probable inferior STEMI, but becomes ventricular fibrillation (or polymorphic ventricular
#EKG #Arrest #VentricularTachycardia
66 yo with syncope - Ventricular Tachycardia

This ECG shows a wide-complex tachycardia in a right bundle
ECGQuizzes #VTach #VentricularTachycardia
Hypertrophic, Dilated and Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy - Comparison

#Hypertrophic #Dilated #Arrhythmogenic #Cardiomyopathy #Comparison #Diagnosis #Management #Cardiomyopathies #Cardiology
Cardiomyopathy - Comparison ... Cardiomyopathy #Comparison
Effective radiation dose in adults - Following are comparisons of effective radiation dose in adults with
Following are comparisons ... #CT #Nuclear #Comparison
Types of Shock - Comparison, Signs and Symptoms

#Shock #Types #Comparison #Table #Signs #Symptoms #Classification
Types of Shock - Comparison ... #Shock #Types #Comparison