468 results
Pharmacotherapy for Migraine Prophylaxis 

Who is indicated for migraine prophylaxis? Patients who experience more than 3
Prophylaxis Who ... Patients who experience ... treatment, or those who
Pulmonary Embolism Treatment
Systemic Thrombolysis
 - Exclude contraindications.
 - Indications:
   - Massive PE (definite indication)
Useful in patients who ... useful in patients who ... above therapies, who ... thrombolysis, or who

Total daily dose of insulin (TDD) =
For patients who ... IV insulin or who ... day for patients who ... more for patients who
SCAI Pyramid of Cardiogenic Shock Classification
E - Extremis - A patient experiencing cardiac arrest with ongoing
Deteriorating - A patient who ... Beginning - A patient who ... risk - A patient who
CULPRIT-SHOCK Visual Abstract Infographic

PCI Strategies in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiogenic Shock


Among patients who ... lower among those who ... than among those who
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons protocol poster for the resuscitation of patients who arrest after cardiac
resuscitation of patients who
Sensitivity Specificity False-Positive False-Negative Contingency Table / confusion matrix

Sensitivity refers to the test's ability to correctly
detect ill patients who ... have the disease, who
Suggested algorithm for deciding how to preoxygenate a patient with AHRF who requires tracheal intubation. #intubation
patient with AHRF who
Sustained Wrist Clonus on Physical Exam

Sustained wrist clonus in a patient who suffered a hemorrhagic stroke.

clonus in a patient who
Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia (CNL)

 • Signaling Pathway
 • WHO Dx Critera
 • Risk Stratification
 • Treatment
Signaling Pathway • WHO