922 results
Treatment of Wilson's Disease
 • D-penicillamine - Chelator, induces cupruria
 • Trientine - Chelator, induces cupruria
of free serum copper ... absorption of copper ... #Wilsons #Disease
Wing-Beating Tremor of Wilson's Disease

Characterized by low frequency, high amplitude, near arm tremor caused by continuous
Beating #Tremor #Wilsons ... video #neurology #copper
Wing-Beating Tremor of Wilson's Disease

Characterized by low frequency, high amplitude, near arm tremor caused by continuous
Beating #Tremor #Wilsons ... video #neurology #copper
Upper lung zone preference is seen in:
- Inhaled particles: pneumoconiosis (silica or coal)
- Smoking related diseases
Upper lung zone ... #Distribution #Upper ... #Lower #RadiologyAssistant
Hydroxocobalamin Pharmacology – Cyanide Antidote

By Dr. Kathryn Watson @Kat_Watson

#Hydroxocobalamin #Cyanide #Antidote #Toxicology #Management #Pharmacology
Kathryn Watson @
Notice the cavitation especially on the right.
In the left upper lobe there is probably some traction-bronchiectasis
In the left upper ... TractionBronchiectasis #RadiologyAssistant
Hemolytic anemia in Wilson's disease

#Wilsons #Disease #hemolytic #anemia #Hematology #pathophysiology
Wilson's disease #Wilsons
Chest XRay Consolidation Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Consolidation #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Interstitial Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Interstitial #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Hyperthermic Syndromes - This table summarizes the similarities and differences between some toxicologic causes of hyperthermic
poisoning Kat Watson