891 results
Pulsatile Exophthalmos on Physical Exam - Protrusion and Pulsation of the eyeball

The differential diagnosis of pulsatile
of the sphenoid wing ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #ocular #ophthalmology
Wing-Beating Tremor of Wilson's Disease

Characterized by low frequency, high amplitude, near arm tremor caused by continuous
Wing-Beating Tremor ... #Wing #Beating # ... Disease #clinical #video
Wing-Beating Tremor of Wilson's Disease

Characterized by low frequency, high amplitude, near arm tremor caused by continuous
Wing-Beating Tremor ... #Wing #Beating # ... Disease #clinical #video
Marcus-Gunn Jaw Winking Ptosis

Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Ptosis is the most common form of congenital neurogenic
Ptosis #clinical #video ... #neurology #ophthalmology ... #wink
Reduction of Posterior Elbow Dislocation

#Elbow #Dislocation #Reduction #Posterior #clinical #video #msk #sports #orthopedics #physicalexam
Posterior #clinical #video ... #msk #sports #orthopedics
Right Oculomotor (CNIII) Palsy caused by Stroke

Dr. Bruno Farnetano @bruno.farnetano

#Oculomotor #CNIII #Palsy #clinical #video #CN3 #clinical
Palsy #clinical #video ... CN3 #clinical #video ... #physicalexam #ophthalmology
Pelvic X-Ray Anatomy and Interpretation Checklist
 - Sacro-iliac joints
 - Don't forget the lumbar spine -
Trace the pelvic ring ... labeled #anatomy #msk
Post Traumatic Iridodonesis 

Dr. João Victor Negrão - https://www.instagram.com/joaovrtn/

#Iris #Iridodonesis #Clinical #Video #Ophthalmology #Traumatic #Eye #PhysicalExam
Iridodonesis #Clinical #Video ... #Ophthalmology
Papilledema - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Papilledema #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology #Fundoscopy
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #ophthalmology
Clarke's Test (Patellar Grind Test)

Indicates Patellofemoral dysfunction.
 - Patient with knee in extension. Push posterior on
of patella then ask ... Grind #clinical #video ... Patellofemoral #msk