1125 results
Lego Pain Assessment Tool

#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatrics #Lego #VisualAnalog #PainScale #VAS #Asssement
#VisualAnalog #PainScale
The Baker-Wong FACES Pain Rating scale (Figure 1) was developed with feedback from children and has
Peds #Pediatrics #PainScale ... #WongBaker #FACES
Assessing Pain - Kids <4 Years: Very limited communication; Can use the FLACC Scale (Faces, Legs,
Pediatrics #FLACC #PainScale
POCUS Findings in Acute Pulmonary Embolism
- McConnell's Sign
- D-Shaped Septum
- Abnormal RV:LV Ratio

#Pulmonary #Embolism #AcutePE
POCUS Findings in Acute ... Pulmonary #Embolism #AcutePE
CRIES is a 10-point scale, using a physiologic basis similar to APGAR: Crying; Requires increased oxygen
Peds #Pediatrics #PainScale
Acute Pulmonary Embolism - Management Algorithms
 - Hemodynamically Stable Patients
 - Hemodynamically Unstable Patients

- Dr. Eric
Acute Pulmonary ... Pulmonary #Embolism #acutePE
S1Q3T3 on ECG in a patient with Acute Pulmonary Embolism

- Dr. Sarah Medeiros @DrSarahEM

#S1Q3T3 #Pulmonary #Embolism
a patient with Acute ... Pulmonary #Embolism #AcutePE
McConnell's Sign in Acute Pulmonary Embolism - POCUS

- Dr. Jay Mohan, D.O. RPVI https://twitter.com/DrJayMohan

#McConnells #Sign #PulmonaryEmbolism
McConnell's Sign in Acute ... PulmonaryEmbolism #AcutePE
#EKG taken on a patient with an acute pulmonary embolism with right heart strain showing tachycardia,
patient with an acute ... pulmonaryembolism #AcutePE
Post-MI Free Wall Rupture
1. What's the role of revascularization when presenting with late STEMI?
2. What are
some causes of acute ... surgical management acutely ... complications #acuteMI