221 results
The Baker-Wong FACES Pain Rating scale (Figure 1) was developed with feedback from children and has
The Baker-Wong FACES ... Peds #Pediatrics #PainScale ... #WongBaker #FACES
Assessing Pain - Kids <4 Years: Very limited communication; Can use the FLACC Scale (Faces, Legs,
the FLACC Scale (Faces ... Pediatrics #FLACC #PainScale
Lego Pain Assessment Tool

#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatrics #Lego #VisualAnalog #PainScale #VAS #Asssement
#VisualAnalog #PainScale
Symptoms of Depression 

Mnemonic: "A SAD FACES" 

#Mnemonic #Depression #Symptoms #ASADFACES #Diagnosis #Psychiatry
Mnemonic: "A SAD FACES
The Development of Antimicrobial Resistance - Antibiotics Timeline

IDSA Faces of Antimicrobial Resistance (FOAR) Report

#Antibiotics #Antimicrobial #Resistance
Timeline IDSA Faces
Facial Anatomy - Face Muscles

By @rev.med

#Facial #Anatomy #Face #Muscles
Facial Anatomy - Face ... Facial #Anatomy #Face
History Taking for IBD - FECES Mnemonic
F - Frequency- how often? nocturnal sx? 
E - Emptying
Taking for IBD - FECES ... Mnemonic FECES: ... history #mnemonic #FECES
CRIES is a 10-point scale, using a physiologic basis similar to APGAR: Crying; Requires increased oxygen
Peds #Pediatrics #PainScale
Clinical features of focal cortical brain lesions in a right-handed individual

Frontal, either:  
Intellectual impairment, 
Failure to recognize faces ... Failure to recognize faces
Stroke Territory Localization and Blood Vessel Supply
ACA (Anterior Cerebral Artery)
 - Leg weakness/numbness
MCA Superior Divison
Broca Aphasia - Face ... cerebral artery) - Face ... Carotid Artery) - Face