1851 results
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Visualized Intraoperatively - MICS CABG Surgery

- Rodrigo Ribeiro de Souza MD @rodrigo_md_1979

Graft Visualized Intraoperatively ... Bypass #Graft #intraoperative
Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome - Workup Algorithm

#LoinPain #Hematuria #Syndrome #Workup #Algorithm #diagnosis #nephrology
Hematuria Syndrome - Workup ... Hematuria #Syndrome #Workup ... Algorithm #diagnosis #nephrology
Initial Clinical and Laboratory Data Base for Defining Major Syndromes in Nephrology

#Major #Syndromes #Nephrology #Diagnosis #Workup
Major Syndromes in Nephrology ... Major #Syndromes #Nephrology ... #Diagnosis #Workup
Differential Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury 

#Diagnosis #Nephrology #AKI #Acute #KidneyInjury #Causes #Differential #Workup #Algorithm #Ddxof
#Diagnosis #Nephrology ... #Differential #Workup
Algorithm for the Workup of Febrile Seizure

Dr. Tom Fadial https://twitter.com/thame

#Febrile #Seizure #Algorithm #Workup #Fever #Neurology #Emergency
Algorithm for the Workup ... Seizure #Algorithm #Workup ... #Fever #Neurology
Polyuria Evaluation Algorithm

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine https://www.youtube.com/c/EricsMedicalLectures/

#Polyuria #diagnosis #Algorithm #workup #nephrology #differential
diagnosis #Algorithm #workup ... #nephrology #differential
Intraoperative Cardiac Massage

Hanin Alashi, CCP @iNeena

#Intraoperative #Cardiac #Massage #CTS #thoracic #clinical #video #heart #surgery
Intraoperative Cardiac ... CCP @iNeena #Intraoperative
Intraoperative Pulsating Epidural Hematoma

#Epidural #Hematoma #Intraoperative #Pulsating #neurosurgery #clinical #video
Intraoperative Pulsating ... Epidural #Hematoma #Intraoperative
Intraoperative Pulsating Epidural Hematoma

#Epidural #Hematoma #Intraoperative #Pulsating #neurosurgery #clinical #video #HuseinAlsenafi
Intraoperative Pulsating ... Epidural #Hematoma #Intraoperative
Intraoperative Opening of Aortic Dissection - Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Bobby Yanagawa @BobbyYanagawa

#Intraoperative #Opening #Aortic #Dissection #aorta #surgery
Intraoperative Opening ... BobbyYanagawa #Intraoperative