36 results
#facial aging #aesthetic medicine #dermal fillers #facial fat pads #wrinkles #skin aging #nasolabial folds #tear trough
#facial aging #aesthetic ... facial fat pads #wrinkles ... facial volume #face
#facial aging #aesthetic medicine #dermal fillers #facial fat pads #wrinkles #skin aging #nasolabial folds #tear trough
#facial aging #aesthetic ... facial fat pads #wrinkles ... facial volume #face
Bilateral LMN palsy with tongue weakness, wasting and fasciculations.  →  Bulbar motor Neuron disease

disease Note the wrinkled ... CN12 #clinical #video
#facial aging #deep fat pads of the face #face #aesthetic medicine
fat pads of the face ... #face #aesthetic
#facial aging #superficial fat pads of the face #face #aesthetic medicine
fat pads of the face ... #face #aesthetic
The asphyxia escape reflex is assessed by placing the child in the prone position on the
bed, with the face ... should turn his face ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
DIY Respirator

Innovative technique to create a cheap, reusable, elastomeric respirator for use during critical N95 supply
shortages using only a face ... brie_slatnick Video
Pace Maneuver for Piriformis Syndrome

With the patient's hips and needs flexed to 90 degrees, the patient
Pace Maneuver for ... PT_yuu_mizu628 #Pace ... Syndrome #clinical #video
Parkinsonian Gait 

Parkinson's gait is very characteristic: Standing, the patient tends to tilt the trunk forward,
freezing) in the face ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Pemberton's Sign - Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

The Pemberton maneuver is a physical examination tool used to demonstrate
the sides of the face ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video