51 results
Spinal Accessory Cranial Nerve - CN11 - Innervation

By @rev.med

#SAN #Spinal #Accessory #Cranial #Nerve #CN11 #Anatomy #CNXI
Spinal Accessory ... Cranial Nerve - CN11 ... #SAN #Spinal #Accessory ... Cranial #Nerve #CN11
Cranial Nerve XI - Accessory Nerve - Cross Sectional Nuclei Anatomy
 • Accessory Nerve
 • Nucleus
Cranial Nerve XI - Accessory ... Nuclei Anatomy • Accessory ... drcraighacking #Accessory ... #CNXI #CN11 #CranialNerve
Bilateral LMN palsy with tongue weakness, wasting and fasciculations.  →  Bulbar motor Neuron disease

disease Note the wrinkled ... hypoglossal #CNXII #CN12
Vagus Nerve - CN10 Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Vagus #Nerve #CN10 #Anatomy #CNX
Vagus Nerve - CN10 ... #Vagus #Nerve #CN10
Cranial Nerve XII - Hypoglossal Nerve - Cross Sectional Nuclei Anatomy
 • Hypoglossal Nerve
 • Hypoglossal
Hypoglossal #CNXII #CN12
Tongue Fasciculations Secondary to Hypoglossal Nerve Damage

Most commonly associated with ALS - This LMN XII was
HypoglossalNerve #CNXII #CN12
Sclerodactyly: Diffuse thickening of the skin on the hands, in this case due to Scleroderma. 
loss of normal wrinkles
Quadricuspid Aortic Valve on Cardiac MRI with Severe Aortic Regurgitation
54 yo/ severe aortic regurgitation.  CMR
fusion of the accessory ... of the left and accessory
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW)
- Orthodromic AVRT: Narrow complex, most common 
- Antidromic AVRT: wide complex because goes through
because goes through accessory
Wolff-Parkinson White 
Preexcitation syndrome where an accessory pathway (Bundle of Kent) directly connects the atria 
syndrome where an accessory