5 results
Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and R0 of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 compared to other famous contagious
COVID19 #NCOV2019 #Wuhan
Timeline of Events in Hubei - Effects of Social Distancing and Mitigation

Original Timeline: JAMA https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762130

#Timeline #Hubei
Timeline #Hubei #Wuhan
Criteria for Patients Under Investigation for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) / COVID-19

Fever or signs/symptoms of lower
Criteria #Diagnosis #Wuhan
Reproductive Number (R0 "R Naught") showing how contagious / transmissible a pathogen is.  The R0
The R0 for Wuhan
COVID-19 - A Seattle Intensivist's One-Page Cheat-Sheet on COVID-19 v2.7 Updated March 26 2020

(v2.7) incorporating newer
Nomenclature (NOT "Wuhan