1206 results
Most ophthalmic drop caps are color coordinated with their pharmacologic class. Here is a color-coded chart
coordinated with their pharmacologic ... color-coded chart with list ... not a complete list ... DrugClass #Caps #gtt #Pharmacology
Medications that cause Hyponatremia

#Diagnosis #Pharmacology #Hyponatremia #Medications #DrugInduced #List #Differential
#Diagnosis #Pharmacology ... #DrugInduced #List
Abbreviated Beers List of Medications to Avoid in the Elderly

The Beers List, which was updated in
Abbreviated Beers List ... Elderly The Beers List ... regulation.11 The Beers List ... available.11 The list ... #Pharmacology #
Drug-induced renal disorders - The most commonly used nephrotoxic drugs

#Pharmacology #Nephrotoxicity #Drugs #Medications #Most #Common #DrugInduced
nephrotoxic drugs #Pharmacology ... KidneyInjury #AKI #Table #List
Mosquito Borne Diseases
 - Dengue
 - Yellow Fever
 - Zika
 - Chikungunya
 - Malaria

- VA Joint
Yellow Fever - Zika
Running out of Analgesia and Sedation Medications due to #COVID19?  Anand Swaminathan, MD has put
put together a list ... sedative #analgesia #pharmacology
Excellent reference chart of commonly used inhalers for anyone working in Emergency Medicine
#Pharmacology #Inhalers #Devices #Lists
Emergency Medicine #Pharmacology ... Inhalers #Devices #Lists
Clinical Pharmacologic Properties of Antiarrhythmic Drugs

#Antiarrhythmic #Drugs #Medications #Pharmacology #Cardiology #Table #Effects
Clinical Pharmacologic ... #Medications #Pharmacology
Pharmacologic Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

#Hyperthyroidism #Treatment #Management #Pharmacology #Medications #Comparison #Table #Endocrinology #AAFP #Propylthiouracil #Methimazole
Pharmacologic Treatment ... Treatment #Management #Pharmacology

AEIOU TRIPS - a detailed list of differentials to consider
TRIPS - a detailed list ... work through this list