417 results
Proposed analgesic ladder for critically ill patients
Above is one possible revision to the analgesic ladder.
#Management #CriticalCare ... Analgesic #Ladder #Acetaminophen
Pancreatitis management checklist 
Evaluation to guide etiology & management 
 - RUQ ultrasound 
 - Calcium
with scheduled acetaminophen ... Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare
Checklist for Treatment of Delirium in the ICU 

Remove causative factors 
Exclude hypoglycemia if
Consider scheduled acetaminophen ... Treatment #MICU #CriticalCare
Lactic Acidosis - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Type A: Impaired O2 Delivery (DO2)
 • Decreased O2 Delivery: Hypotension
NRTIs), Acetaminophen ... Differential #Diagnosis #criticalcare
Acetaminophen Intoxication Algorithm

- Dr. Josh Farkas @PulmCrit

#Acetaminophen #Algorithm #Toxicology #Overdose #Algorithm #Management #APAP #Overdose #Tylenol
Acetaminophen Intoxication ... @PulmCrit #Acetaminophen
Acetaminophen toxicity
Emergency Department Workup and Management - Rumack Matthew Nomogram

#Diagnosis #Management #Toxicology #APAP #Acetaminophen #Rumack #Nomogram
Acetaminophen toxicity ... Toxicology #APAP #Acetaminophen
Explanted liver of a 9-year-old girl with acute liver failure due to acetaminophen overdose.

#liver #transplantation #gross
failure due to acetaminophen ... explanted #overdose #acetaminophen
Randomized Clinical Trial of IV Acetaminophen as an Analgesic Adjunct for Older Adults with Acute Severe
Clinical Trial of IV Acetaminophen ... Conclusion: IV acetaminophen ... dhcisewski #Acetaminophen
Guide to Pain Management in Patients with Cirrhosis:

Acetaminophen, NSAIDs, and Opiates
#Management #Pharmacology #Pain #Cirrhosis #Medications
with Cirrhosis: Acetaminophen
Nonopioid Analgesic Agents
Lidocaine Patch
Capsaicin Patch

#Nonopioid #Analgesic #medications #drugs #comparison #table #pharmacology
Analgesic Agents Acetaminophen