163 results
Bilateral Patellar Clonus on Physical Exam
Clonus Associated w/Tropical Spastic Paraparesis. 

#Knee #Patellar #Clonus #PhysicalExam #Clinical
#Knee #Patellar ... Clinical #Video #Neurology
Patellar Clonus on Physical Exam

#Patellar #Clonus #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #knee
clinical #video #neurology ... #knee
Kernig's Sign in Meningitis

Kernig's sign is present if the patient, in the supine position with the
with the hip and knee ... cannot extend the knee ... extension of the knee ... of the opposite knee ... Pediatrics #Peds #neurology
Brudzinski's sign is a physically demonstrable symptom of meningitis. It is characterized by reflexive flexion of
flexion of the knees ... clinical #video #neurology
Effects of Strokes by Location - Anterior vs Posterior Localization

Anterior Circulation 
 - MCA 
- MCA - ACA ... Localization #Effects #Neurology ... Review in Clinical Neurology
Patellar Clonus

via @neurologiabr

#Patellar #Clonus #Reflex #Knee #clinical #video #Neurology #PhysicalExam
Clonus #Reflex #Knee ... clinical #video #Neurology
Hemiplegic Gait 

With a hemiplegic gait there is impaired natural swinging at the hip and knee
at the hip and knee ... Hemiplegic #Gait #Neurology
Brudzinski's Sign in Meningitis

Severe neck stiffness causes the patient's knees and hips to flex when the
the patient's knees ... #physicalexam #neurology
Brudzinski's Sign in Meningitis

Severe neck stiffness causes the patient's knees and hips to flex when the
the patient's knees ... #physicalexam #neurology
Summary of All RCTs to Date on Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke 

#EBM #Neurology #NeuroInterventionalRadiology
Summary of All RCTs ... Stroke #EBM #Neurology