28 results
Cough Droplet Aerosolization

Dr. Matthew Martin @docmartin22

#Cough #Droplets #Aerosolization #Clinical #Video #Aerosols
Cough Droplet Aerosolization ... docmartin22 #Cough #Droplets ... #Aerosolization
Aerosolization - HFNC Simulation

Why the HFNC is aerosolizing and droplet enhancing! The simple face mask is
Aerosolization - ... aerosolizing and droplet ... @innov8doc #Aerosolization ... HFNC #Simulation #Droplets
Aerosol Visualization in Cough With and Without Facemask

#Facemasks #Cough #Aerosolization #Aerosols #Clinical #Video #PPE #Visualization #Droplets
Facemasks #Cough #Aerosolization ... Visualization #Droplets
Visualization of Aerosol Dispersion on HFNC with and without mask

Bottom Line: A surgical mask placed over
transmission-assessment-report/ #Aerosolization ... #Ventilation #Droplets
Filtering effect for small droplets (aerosols) by various masks; home-made of tea cloth, surgical mask (3M
effect for small droplets ... 100 (source of droplets ... #coronavirus #aerosolization
Triplets on Fetal Ultrasound

- Howard T Heller MD FAIUM @hellersound

#Triplets #pregnancy #Fetal #Ultrasound #clinical #obgyn #obstetrics
Triplets on Fetal ... @hellersound #Triplets
SARS-CoV-2 Estimated Aerosol and Surface Viability:
 - Aerosols: ≈3hrs post aerosolization (median half-life: 1.2 – 1.2hrs)
Aerosols: ≈3hrs post aerosolization
Rubella (German Measles)
Rubella, also called German measles, often presents with a mild febrile illness with a
by respiratory droplets
Droplet larger than aerosols, when exhaled (at velocity of <1m/s), evaporate or fall to the ground
Droplet larger than ... especially larger droplets ... #Aerosol #droplets
All masks will filter particles of 0.3 microns or bigger (i.e. 95 will filter out 95%
be contained in droplets