18 results
Newborn Assessment - APGAR Score

Assessment of newborn vital signs following labor via a 10-point scale evaluated
Newborn Assessment - APGAR ... Apgar score is based ... Apgar scores < 7 ... If Apgar score remains ... Peds #Pediatrics #APGAR
APGAR Score for Newborn Assessment

Apgar score is based on Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration. 

APGAR Score for ... Newborn Assessment Apgar ... #APGAR #Score #Newborns
The vital first ten minutes: Apgar scores and risks of cerebral palsy and epilepsy
#APGAR #pediatrics #peds
first ten minutes: Apgar ... and epilepsy #APGAR
The APGAR scoring system is a comprehensive screening tool which should be used to assess newborns
The APGAR scoring ... Peds #Pediatrics #APGAR
Sputum culture from a patient with Strongyloides hyperinfection.  The larvae burrow through the agar tracking
burrow through the agar ... sputum #culture #agar
Glasgow Coma Scale - Adult and Pediatrics

Check on the health of a newborn baby using the
baby using the APGAR ... APGAR is a scoring ... Remember, APGAR
CRIES is a 10-point scale, using a physiologic basis similar to APGAR: Crying; Requires increased oxygen
basis similar to APGAR
Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula- An infant had an apneic episode at birth and received positive-pressure
The Apgar scores
Abiotrophia defectiva on Blood Culture and Microscopy
 - only growing on Chocolate Agar
 - Gram pos
growing on Chocolate Agar
String Test in Carbapenem-resistant hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-hvKP)
Hypermucoviscosity (HMV) phenotype is a known virulent factor of
the colony on an agar