4 results
Septal Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HOCM)

52yo worsening exertional sx and murmur. EKG nonspecific, Serial trops (-) 
EM resident
Serial trops (-) EM ... MRI (+) septal HCM ... #HOCM #HCM #clinical ... echocardiogram #plax #cardiology ... #pocus
A transverse still image of the upper airway taken with a high frequency, linear transducer at
#Clinical #EM #Radiology ... #PCC #POCUS #Trachea ... Cords #Transverse #SonoStuff
A transverse still image of the upper airway using the high frequency, linear transducer at the
#Clinical #EM #Radiology ... #PCC #POCUS #Trachea ... SubglotticEdema #Transverse #SonoStuff
A transverse still image of the upper airway using the high frequency, linear transducer at the
#Clinical #EM #Radiology ... #PCC #POCUS #Trachea ... Thyroid #Transverse #SonoStuff