8332 results
Nodular pattern(2)
1. Sarcoidosis: nodules with perilymphatic distribution, along fissures, adenopathy.
2. TB: Tree-in-bud appearance in a patient
nodular stage before ... #Clinical #Radiology
Lymphedema in the Left Leg before and after Liposuction. #Clinical #Plastics #Radiology #Lympedema #Liposuction #Lymphoscintigram #NEJM
in the Left Leg before ... #Clinical #Plastics ... #Radiology #Lympedema
On the left some diseases with a nodular pattern.
1. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: ill defined centrilobular nodules.
2. Miliary
nodular stage before ... #Clinical #Diagnosis ... #Radiology #Pulmonary
Tetralogy of Fallot - Chest XRay

An 18-month-old male presents with his parents who have noticed that
take a few steps before ... Fallot #ChestXRay #Clinical ... #Radiology #CXR
Emphysematous Cholecystitis on POCUS
Patient septic? Why not POCUS and know the source before you ever leave
know the source before ... the top of the radiology ... Cholecystitis #POCUS #clinical
Radial Fracture Due to Parathyroid Carcinoma- ...A plain radiograph of the left arm showed a diaphyseal
Two months before ... #clinical #radiology
Coronary Aneurysm on Angiogram before and after Coiling 

Dr. Kazi Ferdous @fazalabul

#Coronary #Aneurysm #Angiogram #Coiling #Angiography
Aneurysm on Angiogram before ... Angiography #cathlab #cardiology ... #clinical
Pleural effusion is bilateral in 70% of cases of CHF.
When unilateral, it is slightly more often
pleural fluid, before ... #Clinical #Radiology
Ventricular Parasystole on EKG

Normal AV conduction depolarizes the ventricle before the parasystolic focus fires

- Dr. Eric
the ventricle before ... electrocardiogram #cardiology ... #clinical
Risk factors for atherosclerosis

Modifiable risk factors:
 - Dyslipidemia (elevated LDL, decreased HDL)
 - Tobacco smoking
at a young age (before ... for males and before ... Pathophysiology #Cardiology