3 results
Etiologies of Folate Deficiency
 • Decreased dietary intake - uncommon in this era
 • Increased requirements
have hemolytic anemia ... folate that can cause ... interfered with leading ... mobilize folate stores ... #FolicAcid #differential
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)

Myelodysplastic syndromes are a group of disorders caused by blood cells that are poorly
Pinpoint-sized red spots ... by bleeding (petechiae ... or folic acid deficiency ... treatments • Copper deficiency ... blood count with differential
Anemia of Hospitalization - Pathophysiology

Why does the Hgb/Hct drop in the first two days during hospitalization?

invasive procedures/ bleeding ... move back and forward ... from accessing port ... other than GI bleeding ... pathophysiology #differential