1311 results
 - Skin-colored to brown papule or nodule 
 - Firm, indurated texture 
Skin-colored to brown ... Benign #Clinical #Photo
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

#Clinical #Photo #Peds #Pediatrics #HFMD #HandFootMouth #Disease #SkinRash
Disease #Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics
PocketPEM - Resus Meds
#Management #Pharm	#Peds #EM	#Resus #Medications #ResusMeds #Resuscitation #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - Resus Meds ... Management #Pharm #Peds
Spider Bites - Black Widow vs Brown Recluse
 - Yellow/Red Hourglass on belly
Black Widow vs Brown ... severe Symptoms BROWN ... RECLUSE - Brown
Muddy Brown Granular Casts three ways - Brightfield, Darkfield, Phase Contrast.

Dr. Vipin Varghese @vipvargh

#Muddy #Brown #Granular
Muddy Brown Granular ... vipvargh #Muddy #Brown
Central Cord Syndromes
 - Anterior Cord Syndrome
 - Central Cord Syndrome
 - Brown Sequard Syndrome

#CentralCord #Syndromes
Cord Syndrome - Brown
Urine Color - Differential Diagnosis
Red Urine:
 • Medical conditions: bleeding, porphyria, factitious disorder
 • Meds: rifampin,
factitious disorder • Meds ... hyperbilirubinemia • Meds ... vitamin B complex Brown ... concentrated enough • Meds ... Pseudomonas • Meds
Examples of varying granular and granular/waxy mixed casts: 
A: coarse granular/broad-waxy (and surrounding white blood cells);
granular/muddy brown ... C and D: muddy brown
Tinea Pedis: Scaly red erruption of the feet caused by fungal dermatitis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
Tinea Pedis: Scaly ... Images #Clinical #Photo ... SkinRash #Tinea #Pedis
Foley Catheter Balloon on Bladder Ultrasound

In the bladder we can build a snowman, and pretend that
that he is Parson Brown ... Interestingly Parson Brown