212 results
Centor - Clinical Decision Rule for Management of Sore Throat #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #Centor #Criteria
Centor - Clinical ... Management #EM #IM #Centor
Modified	Centor Criteria	to	Evaluate	for	GAS	Pharyngitis
#Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Centor #Criteria #GAS #Streptococcus #Pharyngitis #Algorithm #PEMSource
Modified Centor ... Management #Peds #Centor
Centor - Clinical Decision Rule for Management of Sore Throat #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #Centor #Criteria
Centor - Clinical ... Management #EM #IM #Centor
Modified Centor Criteria for Likelihood of Bacterial Infection In Sore throat #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #Centor
Modified Centor ... Management #EM #IM #Centor
#Pharyngitis #Centor #CentorCriteria #StrepThroat #SoreThroat #LemierresSyndrome #Lemierres #RedFlags #GAS #GroupAStrep #AcuteRheumaticFever #PediatricPharyngitis #BobCentor #Pediatrics #FOAM #MedEd
#Pharyngitis #Centor
Centor - Clinical Decision Rule for Management of Sore Throat #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #Centor #Criteria
Centor - Clinical ... Management #EM #IM #Centor
Focus of Metastatic Melanoma Colonizing a Germinal Center

I thought these big cells were funny immunoblasts- until
Colonizing a Germinal Center ... colonizing a germinal center ... melanoma #germinal #center
Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal Globe Contour

By Dr. Harun Yildiz @drharunyildiz

#Globe #Contour #Differential #Diagnosis #Abnormal #Radiology #MRI
Abnormal Globe Contour ... drharunyildiz #Globe #Contour
Pathology - Castleman disease. 

Mediastinal mass in a younger woman.

Histologic Features of Castleman disease, hyaline vascular
vessels - Germinal center ... Hyalinized germinal centers
The neurological and chemotactic control of respiration rate
#breathing #respiration #pneumatic center #CN X # diaphragm #lungs
respiration #pneumatic center