57 results
Surgical Chest Tube for Unstable Pneumothorax or Hemothorax
 • Landmark: Anterior Axillary Line, 4th or 5th
SarahFoohey #chesttube ... #instructions #supplies
Paracentesis Procedure Checklist and Supplies
 • Indications
 • Pre-op
 • Preparation and Supplies
 • Insertion
Checklist and Supplies ... Preparation and Supplies ... #Instructions #Supplies
Airway Intubation Supplies Checklist

Michigan Medicine @umichmedicine

#Airway #Intubation #Supplies #Checklist #Management #CriticalCare
Airway Intubation Supplies ... Airway #Intubation #Supplies
Pneumothorax and Chest Tube Management Algorithm
Estimate pneumothorax size
  > 3cm = Large
  < 3cm
#Pneumothorax #ChestTube

Also Consider:
 - Ultrasound + Probe Cover
 - Patient Drapes
INSERTION - Materials/Supplies ... Preprocedure #Materials #Supplies
Pneumothorax Management Algorithm - Spontaneous vs Traumatic vs Iatrogenic

Source: https://journals.lww.com/clinpulm/Abstract/2017/01000/Chest_Tubes___Indications,_Sizing,_Placement,_and.7.aspx

#Pneumothorax #ChestTube #Algorithm #Management #Pulmonary #Thoracic
#Pneumothorax #ChestTube
Arterial Line (A-Line) Supply Checklist 

by Dr. Lizzy Hastie @LizzyHastie

#ArterialLine #ALine #Supply #Checklist #supplies #management
Supply #Checklist #supplies
Central Line Supplies Checklist - Materials Typically Not Included in Central Line Kit
 • Sterile Gown
Central Line Supplies ... #CentralLine #Supplies
Needle Cricothyroidotomy Made Simple:

1. Chloraprep 
2. 14 gauge angiocath 
3. Saline flush 
4. 3mL syringe
5. 7.0
Cricothyroidotomy #Supplies
How a Chest Tube Drainage System Works

Bottle 1: Fluid Collection. This is a simple collection bottle
#Diagram #ChestTube