1211 results
Medullary Nephrocalcinosis on POCUS
Medullary nephrocalcinosis can be a clue for its most common underlying cause (
nephrocalcinosis can be a clue ... common underlying cause ... Nephrocalcinosis #POCUS #clinical
Multiple Ultrasound Device Interference on POCUS
Quiz time: What is the likely cause for this POCUS artifact?
is the likely cause ... Clue: Seen during ... artifact #POCUS #clinical
Portal Hypertension - Differential Diagnosis
Portal Pressure = the pressure difference between the pressure in the portal
>10 mmHg - clinically ... hepatorenal syndrome Clues ... Post-Hepatic: • Cardiac causes ... Differential #Diagnosis #causes
Anemias - Differential and Diagnostic Clues

Ariella Coler-Reilly @AriellaStudies

#Anemias #Differential #Diagnosis #Clues #Hematology
and Diagnostic Clues ... Differential #Diagnosis #Clues
Epidemiologic Clues to Unusual Pathogens in Pneumonia

#Diagnosis #Pneumonia #History #Pathogens #Clues #Infections #Differential #Atypical
Epidemiologic Clues ... History #Pathogens #Clues
Epidemiological Clues That May be Helpful in Defining the Etiological Diagnosis of Culture-Negative Endocarditis

#Endocarditis #Bacteria #Differential
Epidemiological Clues ... Microorganisms #Clues
Clues to Differential Diagnosis of Central Cyanosis: Onset of cyanosis, Clubbing, Secondary erythrocytosis, Auscultation, X-ray, Echocardiography,
Clues to Differential ... Central #Cardiology #Causes
The Febrile Child - some diagnostic clues to evaluating the febrile child.

#Febrile #Fever #Evaluation #Assessment #Signs
some diagnostic clues
Septic Arthritis - Pathogens and Clinical Clues

Staphylococcus aureus 
Streptococcal spp. 
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 
Gram-negative bacteria 
Pathogens and Clinical ... Clues Staphylococcus
The clinical criteria for BV (Amsel critera), include 'thin' vaginal fluid, fishy odor upon potassium hydroxide
The clinical criteria ... attached bacteria (“clue ... #Clinical #Path ... Obgyn #WetMount #Clue