2727 results
Checklist for the Obtunded/Comatose Patient with Suspected Meningitis/Encephalitis 

- Dr. Josh Farkas @PulmCrit

#Comatose #Meningitis #Encephalitis #Checklist
for the Obtunded/Comatose ... @PulmCrit #Comatose ... Checklist #Diagnosis #Management
In July 2015 the ACC/AHA proposed and published an algorithm to help stratify cardiac arrest patients
patients who are comatose ... Algorithm #OHCA #ROSC #Comatose ... Stratfication #Management
Differential for patient with a coma (comatose)

#Diagnosis #Differential #Comatose #Causes
patient with a coma (comatose ... #Differential #Comatose
High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE)
Severe AMS with altered mental status, ataxia, and other neurological manifestations such
once patient is comatose ... HACE #diagnosis #management

Posterior cerebral artery (PCA) strokes can be challenging to diagnose, due to the variability in symptoms,
may present in a comatose
3D-CAM Assessment for Delirium

Feature 1: Acute Change / Fluctuating Course
 • Assessment questions: Self report of
sleepy, stuporous, comatose
Causes of Altered Level of Consciousness GCS < 7 - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Brain Involvement - Hemispheric
Other #Altered #comatose
Mydriasis and Miosis - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Causes of Mydriasis:
Dilated pupils (mydriasis) more than 7mm
 • Unilateral
Brainstem herniation (Comatose
The Neurological Evaluation of a Comatose Patient

 • Coma: a state of unresponsiveness; the absence of
Evaluation of a Comatose ... How to Examine a Comatose ... PhysicalExam #neurology #comatose
Intact Corneomandibular (Wartenberg) Reflex

Patient with pontine hemorrhage without impaired consciousness - Left corneal stimulation triggers contralateral
metabolic processes in comatose