1385 results
Differential for patient with a coma (comatose)

#Diagnosis #Differential #Comatose #Causes
patient with a coma (comatose ... #Differential #Comatose
Checklist for the Obtunded/Comatose Patient with Suspected Meningitis/Encephalitis 

- Dr. Josh Farkas @PulmCrit

#Comatose #Meningitis #Encephalitis #Checklist
for the Obtunded/Comatose ... @PulmCrit #Comatose
Uremic Asterixis on Physical Exam

Dr. Arvind Canchi @arvindcanchi

#Uremia #Asterixis #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #nephrology
clinical #video #neurology ... #nephrology
Intact Corneomandibular (Wartenberg) Reflex

Patient with pontine hemorrhage without impaired consciousness - Left corneal stimulation triggers contralateral
metabolic processes in comatose ... PhysicalExam #clinical #Neurology
In July 2015 the ACC/AHA proposed and published an algorithm to help stratify cardiac arrest patients
patients who are comatose ... Algorithm #OHCA #ROSC #Comatose

Posterior cerebral artery (PCA) strokes can be challenging to diagnose, due to the variability in symptoms,
may present in a comatose
Nephron Schematic Map - Colombia Nephrology

#Nephron #Nephrology #Pathophysiology #Overview #Tubules #Duct #LoopOfHenle #Diuretics #Schematic #Map
Map - Colombia Nephrology ... #Nephron #Nephrology
Diagnosis and Management of Hyponatremia

#Hyponatremia #Algorithm #Differential #Diagnosis #Management #Nephrology

** GrepMed Recommended Text: Nephrology Secrets -
Diagnosis #Management #Nephrology ... Recommended Text: Nephrology
Diagnosis and Management of Hypernatremia

#Hypernatremia #Differential #Algorithm #Causes #Nephrology #Diagnosis

** GrepMed Recommended Text: Nephrology Secrets -
Algorithm #Causes #Nephrology ... Recommended Text: Nephrology
The Neurological Evaluation of a Comatose Patient

 • Coma: a state of unresponsiveness; the absence of
Evaluation of a Comatose ... How to Examine a Comatose ... #PhysicalExam #neurology ... #comatose #diagnosis