5793 results
Kidney stone type, corresponding urine sediment, urinary risk factors, and associated clinical settings.
#Diagnosis #Nephrology #Urine #Microscopy
#Diagnosis #Nephrology ... Types #Morphology #Composition
Changes in urinary composition induced by Diuretic drugs

#Urine #Effects #Diuretics #Electrolytes #Diagnosis #Calcium #Nephrology
Changes in urinary composition ... #Electrolytes #Diagnosis
Electrolyte Composition of Body Fluid Losses
 • Vomiting and nasogastric tube loss
 • Biliary drain loss
Electrolyte Composition ... #Electrolyte #Composition ... #diagnosis
If you have a kid with potential mothball ingestion, here's an algorithm for identifying what toxicity
identifying mothball composition ... (8):919-921 #Diagnosis
Ellis system of classification system for a tooth fracture:

Ellis 1: injury of the crown into enamel
calcium hydroxide composition ... clindamycin #Diagnosis
IV Fluid Composition and Effects on Plasma
0.9% Saline
Ringer's Lactate
Balanced Crystalloid

#IVFluid #Composition #Plasma #comparison #Effects #nephrology #pharmacology
IV Fluid Composition ... Crystalloid #IVFluid #Composition
Pediatric Button Battery Ingestion
Most serious BB ingestions are not witnessed. Therefore, have a low threshold for
BB - Chemical composition ... Ingestion #toxicology #diagnosis

Preferred procedure in pregnant women and in patients allergic to IV contrast.
Not dependent on the composition
dependent on the composition ... IVContrastAllergies #Diagnosis
Choose Your Fluid: Crystalloid Comparison Chart:
Plasma vs Plasma-Lyte, Saline (.45%, 0.9%, 2%, 3%), D5W, Ringer's Lactate,
#crystalloids #composition
Crystalloid Compositon - Normal Saline, Lactated Ringers, PlasmaLyte
#Pharmacology #Crystalloids #Contents #Comparison #Table #Normosol #Plasmalyte #LactatedRingers #NormalSaline
Crystalloid Compositon