6 results
A systematic approach to the interpretation of computed tomography of the head 

"Blood Can Be Very
Guide #Diagnosis #ComputedTomography
Meckel’s Diverticulitis on CT

- Howard T Heller MD FAIUM @hellersound

#Meckels #Diverticulitis #CTAbdomen #clinical #radiology #computedtomography
clinical #radiology #computedtomography
Accuracy of Computed Tomography Findings for the Diagnosis of Acute Diverticulitis

#Diagnosis #Radiology #CT #ComputedTomography #Diverticulitis #Findings
Radiology #CT #ComputedTomography
Leg Necrotizing Myositis / Fasciitis on CT

Thigh pain/tenderness with minimal overlying skin changes.   

LegCT #CTScan #ComputedTomography
Appearance of Liver Lesions on Computed Tomography (CT) - Arterial Phase, Portal Venous Phase and Delayed
Lesions #Hepatic #ComputedTomography
Etiologies of pulmonary infections according to CT-scan patterns. 
CMV cytomegalovirus, GM galactomannan, HSV herpes simplex virus,
Lung #Infections #ComputedTomography