8226 results
Contraindications to Thrombolytics

#Thrombolysis #Diagnosis #Management #Contraindications #Thrombolytics #TPA #STEMI #Stroke #CVA #Absolute #Relative
Contraindications ... Diagnosis #Management #Contraindications
Arterial Lines in Anesthesia - Surgery and Patient Indications and Contraindications

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH
Indications and Contraindications ... #Indications #Contraindications
Summary for providing acute non-invasive ventilation (NIV)

- Indications for NIV
- Contraindications for NIV
- NIV Setup
Indications for NIV - Contraindications ... NoinvansiveVentilation #Protocol #Contraindications
High yield pharmacology notes
#pharmacology #contraindication #medications #Pulmonology #asthma #copd
#pharmacology #contraindication
Cardiac Stress Testing
 • Everyone who can exercise should!
 • They must be able to raise
vasodilation - Contraindications ... agonist - Contraindications ... Stress #Testing #cardiology
Summary table of mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used diabetic drugs. 

side effect and contraindications
Imaging options for exclusion of PE in pregnant women
The radiation dose required for either V/Q scanning
should not be a contraindication ... Obstetrics #OBGyn #Radiology
Non-Invasive Ventilation (BiPAP) Algorithm - Indications and Contraindications
Indications for NIV:
 • COPD - pH <7.35, pCO2
Indications and Contraindications ... and somnolent Contraindications ... #indications #contraindications
Indications and absolute vs relative contraindications and outcomes for VV-ECMO and VA-ECMO together with @ELSOOrg guidelines
absolute vs relative contraindications ... #Indications #Contraindications
Atrial Myxoma on Cardiac MRI

Dr. Jacobo Kirsch

#Atrial #Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology #Clinical #Radiology
Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology ... #Clinical #Radiology