5 results
ACA infarcts are rare because of the collateral circulation provided by the anterior communicating artery. ACA infarct
stroke #huebner #corpuscallosum ... aphasia #abulia #disinhibition
Major neurocognitive disorders (MNCD): Diagnosis and workup 

1) Clinical diagnosis Cognitive impairment + loss of autonomy
Behavioral changes (disinhibition
Childhood Immunization Schedule: Why we immunize
 • Diphtheria Toxin -> URT inflammation causes pseudomembrane with hardened
neurotoxin causing disinhibition
Purposeless Groaning in Parkinson's Disease (Audio)

Purposeless groaning in Parkinsonism. Due to frontal subcortical dysfunction → Perseveration
Perseveration & Disinhibition
Hepatic Encephalopathy - Grading
Grade I: Generally alert, but with sleep irregularities, Mild confusion, Mildly slowed speech,
Slurred speech, Disinhibition