5 results
Purtscher Retinopathy on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

33 year-old who presents 2 weeks after car accident.  Fundus
Purtscher Retinopathy ... consistent with Purtscher ... @oftalmopo #Purtscher ... #Retinopathy #cottonwool
Cotton Wool Spots

Caused by microinfarcts. Exploded ganglion cell axons extrude their axoplasm into retina. Long DDx:
#CottonWool #Spots
Reversible Loss of Vision in Malignant Hypertension - Fundus examination revealed bilateral disk edema (Panel A,
#Papilledema #Cottonwool
This is a quick overview of hormonal acne treatment for the medical student and resident.

Keep in
Lortscher D, Admani
Hypertensive Retinopathy on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Patient with grade IV hypertensive retinopathy. Papilledema, hemorrhages, and cotton-wool spots
#Retinopathy #cottonwool