4 results
Reversible Loss of Vision in Malignant Hypertension - Fundus examination revealed bilateral disk edema (Panel A,
#Papilledema #Cottonwool ... #MacularEdema #SplinterHemorrhages
Cotton Wool Spots

Caused by microinfarcts. Exploded ganglion cell axons extrude their axoplasm into retina. Long DDx:
#CottonWool #Spots
Hypertensive Retinopathy on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Patient with grade IV hypertensive retinopathy. Papilledema, hemorrhages, and cotton-wool spots
#Retinopathy #cottonwool
Purtscher Retinopathy on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

33 year-old who presents 2 weeks after car accident.  Fundus
#Retinopathy #cottonwool