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A schematic life cycle of Plasmodium vivax

#Plasmodium #vivax #LifeCycle #Malaria #Diagnosis #InfectiousDiseases
schematic life cycle ... Malaria #Diagnosis #InfectiousDiseases
Life Cycle of the Malaria Parasite

#Malaria #Parasite #LifeCycle #InfectiousDiseases
Life Cycle of the ... Parasite #LifeCycle #InfectiousDiseases
This is a summary of 6 techniques for N95 decontamination and safe reuse cycles #COVID #COVID19
and safe reuse cycles ... COVID19 #management #infectiousdisease
Echinococcus Life Cycle
1) Adult in small intestine eggs
2) Embryonated egg in feces
3) Oncosphere hatches; penetrates intestinal
Echinococcus Life Cycle ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases
Capillariasis - Capillaria philippinensis Life Cycle
1) Unembryonated, thick-shelled eggs passed in feces.
2) Eggs become embryonated in
philippinensis Life Cycle ... autoinfective cycle ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases
Strongyloides fuelleborni Lifecycle
Free-Living Cycle
1) Eggs containing rhabditiform larvae passed in feces.
2) Rhabditiform larvae hatch in environment.
Lifecycle Free-Living Cycle ... Parasitic Cycle ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases
Malaria - Plasmodium Life Cycle
1) Mosquito takes a blood meal (injects sporozoites)
Human Liver Stages
2) Infected liver
Plasmodium Life Cycle ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases
Echinostomiasis - Echinostoma Life Cycle
1) Unembroynated eggs passed in feces
2) Embryonated eggs in water
3) Miracidia hatch
Echinostoma Life Cycle ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases
Babesiosis - Babesia Life Cycle
1) Tick takes a blood meal (sporozoites introduced into host)
2) Trophozie ←→
- Babesia Life Cycle ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases
Cryptosporidiosis - Cryptosporidium Life Cycle
1) Thick-walled oocyst (sporulated) exits host
2) Contamination of water and food with
Cryptosporidium Life Cycle ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases