51 results
Determining the Severity of Diabetic Foot Infection #clinical #diabeticfoot #diabeticfootinfection #assessment #wounds #footwound #photo #surgery #diabetes
Infection #clinical #diabeticfoot ... neuropathic #ulcer #gangrene
Diabetic Foot Infections - Assessment #clinical #diabeticfoot #diabeticfootinfection #assessment #wounds #footwounds #photo #surgery
Assessment #clinical #diabeticfoot
Diabetic foot: Primary care assessment and monitoring #Management #PrimaryCare #Podiatry #DiabeticFoot #Diabetes #Foot #Risk #Screening #BMJ
PrimaryCare #Podiatry #DiabeticFoot
Diabetic foot risk stratification and triage (NHS Scotland) 2021
Risk stratification – Summary

These risk categories relate to
stratification tool #DiabeticFoot
Dry Gangrene of the Fingertips on Physical Exam

- Dr. Ajit Singh @AJITPSINGH4

#Gangrene #Dry #Hand #Fingers #PhysicalExam
Dry Gangrene of ... AJITPSINGH4 #Gangrene
Fournier’s Gangrene - Physical examination was notable for necrotic-appearing tissue in the scrotum and perineum, with
Fournier’s Gangrene ... #CT #Fournier #Gangrene
Recommendations for Collection of Specimens for Culture from Diabetic Foot Wounds;  Culture specimens should be
woundculture #culture #diabeticfoot
Algorithm for the diagnosis of Necrotizing Infections #Diagnosis #Management #GenSurg #Microbiology #NecrotizingFasciitis #Myonecrosis #Necrotizing #SoftTissueInfection #Clostridium
Pyogenes #Aureus #Gangrene
Differential Diagnosis of Necrotizing Fasciitis: 

Superficial abscess, 
Deep vein thrombosis 
(see phlegmasia cerulea dolerans), 
myonecrosis (aka "gas gangrene
Fournier’s Gangrene on Scrotal Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Characteristic ultrasound appearance of Fournier’s
gangrene, demonstrating scrotal wall
Fournier’s Gangrene ... of Fournier’s gangrene ... Scrotal #Fourniers #Gangrene