1842 results
Lung Ultrasound for Diagnosing Pneumonia - Scan through 6 zones (3 per side) 1. Midclavicular line
Lung Ultrasound ... axilla to the diaphragm ... Diagnosis #Peds #EM
Algorithm and Causes of an Elevated Hemidiaphragm #Diagnosis #Radiology #EM #IM #PCC #Elevated #Hemidiaphragm #ElevatedHemidiaphragm #Diaphragm
Diagnosis #Radiology #EM ... ElevatedHemidiaphragm #Diaphragm
Spine sign: visualization of the vertebral bodies in the thoracic cavity above the diaphragm indicative of
cavity above the diaphragm ... cut off at the diaphragm ... Pulmonary #Lung #Ultrasound
Chronic prepatellar bursitis with chronic changes.

MCW EM Ultrasound @ https://twitter.com/MCW_EM_US

#Chronic #prepatellar #bursitis #POCUS #Knee #Ultrasound
MCW EM Ultrasound ... #POCUS #Knee #Ultrasound
Diaphragm Anatomy - Innervation, Neurovasculature and Openings

By @rev.med

#Diaphragm #Anatomy #Innervation #Neurovasculature #Openings
Diaphragm Anatomy ... By @rev.med #Diaphragm
Highland EM Ultrasound - Ultrasound Guided ED Pain Management
#Pharmacology #Local #Regional #Anesthesia #Anesthetics #DosingGuide #MaxDose #Toxicity
Highland EM Ultrasound ... - Ultrasound Guided
Ultrasound - Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) - Probe Orientation #EM #Trauma #Radiology #POCUS
Ultrasound - Focused ... Probe Orientation #EM
Paradoxical Respirations in Diaphragmatic Paralysis

Note the paradoxical movement of the abdomen during inspiration. The accessory inspiratory
causes the flaccid diaphragm ... Respirations #Breathing #Diaphragm
Transducer location to evaluate the femoral vein and normal ultrasound images showing common femoral artery (A)
vein and normal ultrasound ... Clinical #Diagnosis #EM
Hoover's sign on Physical Exam
Paradoxical retraction of the lower intercostal spaces on inspiration
Pulmonary hyperinflation → flattening
flattening of the diaphragm ... the flattened diaphragm