7250 results
The Dyspnea Pyramid - Differential Diagnosis for Shortness of Breath

Original Source (Jeff Wiese MD): https://www.acponline.org/system/files/documents/clinical_information/journals_publications/books/clinical-teaching-scripts-for-inpatient-medicine.pdf

#Diagnosis #Dyspnea
The Dyspnea Pyramid ... journals_publications/books/clinical-teaching-scripts-for-inpatient-medicine.pdf ... #Diagnosis #Dyspnea
Methemoglobinemia - Hand of a young person with headache and dyspnea shortly after starting dapsone. 
with headache and dyspnea ... G6PDDeficiency #Clinical
Pediatric Respiratory Distress on Exam secondary to RSV

Note the abdominal retractions

#RSV #Respiratory #Distress #Pediatric #dyspnea #breathing
Distress #Pediatric #dyspnea ... breathing #pulmonary #clinical
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) with Shunting on Echocardiogram with Contrast (a4c)

An elderly patient with dyspnea -
elderly patient with dyspnea ... Contrast #a4c #clinical
Malignant Pericardial Effusion causing Tamponade on POCUS

Parasternal long with some RV collapse explaining this cancer patient's
cancer patient's dyspnea ... Echocardiogram #POCUS #Clinical
Aortic Stenosis - Diagnosis and Stages

Clinical Presentation
- Exertional dyspnea
- Chest pain
- Palpitations
- HF Symptoms (orthopnea, PND,
and Stages Clinical ... - Exertional dyspnea
Non-caseating granulomas (Composed of T-helper & inflammatory cells) 
 • Disease fatal in 10% of
inflammatory cells) Clinical ... Cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea
Asterixis due to Uremia on Physical Exam

29 year old male came in due to decreasing sensorium
sensorium and dyspnea ... PhysicalExam #nephrology #clinical
Baby with Respiratory Distress from RSV

Respiratory distress in a baby! If you see this in any
Respiratory #Distress #Dyspnea ... Peds #Pediatrics #Clinical
Kussmaul Breathing in Lactic Acidosis
Acute non-cardiopulmonary dyspnoea. 70 ys, DM, vomiting and URQ abdominal pain since
non-cardiopulmonary dyspnoea ... Not every dyspnoea ... #Respirations #Clinical