5 results
Epileptic Seizure caught during EEG

#Epilepsy #Seizure #EEG #electroencephalogram #clinical #video #neurology #physicalexam
#Seizure #EEG #electroencephalogram
Absence Seizure caught during EEG

There is a brief loss of consciousness with blank stare in the
#Seizure #EEG #electroencephalogram
European Resuscitation Council–European Society of Intensive Care Medicine algorithm for neuroprognostication after cardiac arrest. Reproduced from
tomography, EEG electroencephalogram
Management Algorithm for Status Epilepticus

• Assess airway, breathing, and circulation
• Pulse oximetry
• Electrocardiogram
• Finger stick (give
Intubation and electroencephalogram
Adult Post–Cardiac Arrest Care Algorithm - AHA2020
Initial Stabilization Phase - Resuscitation is ongoing during the post-ROSC
or intermittent electroencephalogram