2776 results
Algorithm for Suspected SVC Syndrome

SVC syndrome suspected: Facial/arm/neck edema, distended neck/chest veins, facial plethora, dyspnea, cough,
compromise 5: Fatal ... Algorithm #diagnosis #management
Fever vs Hyperthermia
 • Regulated in the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center
 • "Set point" raised by prostaglandin
Can be rapidly fatal ... comparison #diagnosis #management
Neurological Side Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs
Acute dystonia - Spasm of muscles of tongue, face, neck, back
myoglobinemia; can be fatal ... #pharmacology #management
High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE)
Severe AMS with altered mental status, ataxia, and other neurological manifestations such
Rare: 1-3% Can be fatal ... HACE #diagnosis #management
Headache Differential - Killers
#Diagnosis #Headache #Killers #Lethal #Fatal #Differential
Killers #Lethal #Fatal
Thiopurines in IBD
 • Steroid-sparing agents indicated for maintenance of remission in UC and CD
for severe and fatal ... lymphoma (potentially fatal ... #BowelDisease #Management
The crusade against “Ab”Normal Saline continues.  This is a non-physiologic fluid that can harm our
can easily be fatal ... #criticalcare #management
Non-caseating granulomas (Composed of T-helper & inflammatory cells) 
 • Disease fatal in 10% of
Clinical: • Disease fatal
PDE5 inhibitors are usually the drugs of first choice for erectile dysfunction.

PDE5 inhibitors enhance an erection that is
and potentially fatal
Some of the techniques used for Antenatal Diagnosis

 - Chromosome/micro-array and DNA analysis 
analysis - Fetal ... infection — PCR Fetal ... sampling - Fetal ... serology - Fetal ... analysis - Fetal