182 results
Urinalysis Interpretation Algorithm - Symptomatic vs Asymptomatic Bacteruria
 - Symptomatic - Dysuria, Frequency, Urgency
 - Asymptomatic
vs Asymptomatic Bacteruria ... inflammation or bacteria ... #Asymptomatic #Beacteruria
Asymptomatic bacteriuria is treated in pregnant women because 30% may
& ASYMPTOMATIC BACTERIURIA ... Asymptomatic bacteriuria ... maternal morbidity (bacteremia ... #Asymptomatic #Bacteriuria
Faltering growth in children: summary of NICE guidance #Screening #Management #Peds #PrimaryCare #Underweight #Infants #FalteringGrowth #FailureToThrive
Faltering growth
Rigors And Bacteremia - Overview

• Rigors are a response to the release of cytokines and prostaglandins
Rigors And Bacteremia ... pathogen (e.g., bacteria ... in identifying bacteremia ... ratio of 4.65 for bacteremia ... Exogenous Pyrogen: • Bacteria
Purple Urine Bag Syndrome
Chronic, indwelling catheter + bacteriuria (Providencia, Klebsiella, E.coli*) + alkaline urine
Tryptophan → Indoxyl
indwelling catheter + bacteriuria ... Sulfatase enzyme (bacteria
Gram Positive Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramPositive #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Catalase #Coagulase #Optichin
Gram Positive Bacteria ... #GramPositive #Bacteria
Gram Negative Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Oxidase #Lactose #Urease
Gram Negative Bacteria ... #GramNegative #Bacteria
Algorithm demonstrating identification of aerobic gram negative bacteria #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Lactose
gram negative bacteria ... #GramNegative #Bacteria
Gram Negactive Bacteria Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Algorithm #Lactose #Oxidase #Urease #GNR
Gram Negactive Bacteria ... #GramNegative #Bacteria
Algorithm demonstrating identification of aerobic gram positive bacteria #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramPositive #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Coagulase
gram positive bacteria ... #GramPositive #Bacteria