208 results
IBD and Pregnancy: Managing Flares
Laboratory Values - Endoscopy - Radiologic imaging - Surgery - Medication

#inflammatory #boweldisease
Pregnancy: Managing Flares ... IBD #Pregnancy #Flares
Lupus - Role of complement and anti-dsDNA for the detection of flares
Complement - ↓ Decreased
Anti-dsDNA -
the detection of flares ... #Lupus #SLE #flares
Anterior Uveitis Flare - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Anterior #Uveitis #Flare #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical
Anterior Uveitis Flare ... Anterior #Uveitis #Flare
Anterior Chamber Uveitis Flare - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Anterior #Chamber #Uveitis #Flare #Ocular
Chamber Uveitis Flare ... Chamber #Uveitis #Flare
Gout of the Left Great Toe: Diffuse swelling and redness centered at the left MTP joint.

#Photo #Gouty #Flare
Gout of the Right Great Toe: Diffuse swelling and redness centered at the right MTP joint,
#Photo #Gouty #Flare
Gout of Left MCP Joints: Diffuse redness and swelling over MCP joints caused by inflammation induced
#Photo #Gouty #Flare
Aspergillus flavus on Culture and Microscopy

Rich Davis, PhD, D(ABMM), MLS @richdavisphd

#Aspergillus #flavus #clinical #microscopy #microbiology #culture
Aspergillus flavus ... #Aspergillus #flavus
Flame Shaped Hemorrhages in Hypertensive Retinopathy - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Flame #Hemorrhages #Hypertensive #Retinopathy
Flame Shaped Hemorrhages ... @oftalmopo #Flame
Red Eye "Red Flags" - Findings which warrant emergent or urgent ophthalmological consultation:
 • Decreased visual
Red Eye "Red Flags ... #RedEye #Red #Flags