7482 results
Nutcracker Esophagus on Endoscopy

#Nutcracker #Esophagus #Endoscopy #clinical #video #gastroenterology #EGD
Esophagus #Endoscopy #clinical ... #video #gastroenterology
Ascaris Lumbricoides (Roundworm) on Colonoscopy

#Ascaris #Lumbricoides #Ascariasis #Roundworm #Colonoscopy #clinical #gastroenterology #parasite
#Colonoscopy #clinical ... #gastroenterology
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Summary
 - Diagnosis
 - Clinical Workflow
 - PPIs
 - Treatment
 - Acid
- Diagnosis - Clinical ... Disease #GERD #gastroenterology
Gastropericardial Fistula on Endoscopy

Gastropericardial fistula complicating large hiatal hernia and gastric volvulus.

Andy Tau, MD @DrBloodandGuts

#Gastropericardial #Fistula
Endoscopy #EGD #clinical ... #gastroenterology
Diverticular Abscess on Colonoscopy
52-year-old woman with left iliac pit pain for 2 weeks. This was seen
#Colonoscopy #clinical ... #endoscopy #gastroenterology
Causes of acute intestinal obstruction:
-Adhesive disease

#Clinical #IntestinalObstruction #Differential #Surgery #Gastroenterology
Volvulus -Other #Clinical ... Differential #Surgery #Gastroenterology
Brisk Gastric Bleeding on Upper Endoscopy
87 year old female. Acute bleeding in stomach.  Dieulafoy’s Lesion
Endoscopy #EGD #gastroenterology ... #clinical
"The majority of cases of acute mesenteric ischemia are the result of acute arterial occlusion resulting
SuperiorMesentericArtery #clinical ... InferiorMesentericArtery #Gastroenterology
Colonoscopy showing a protruding vessel with active bleeding and normal surrounding mucosa suggestive of Dieulafoy's lesion.

#clinical #diagnosis ... #Gastroenterology
Pancreatic cystic lesions (PCLs)
 - classified into simple retention cysts, pseudocysts and cystic neoplasms 
histological and clinical ... lesions #PCLs #gastroenterology