572 results
COVID-19 Patient Chest CT - Ground Glass Opacities 

dr. kevoooo @kevo00o

#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare #GroundGlass
Chest CT - Ground Glass ... CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare
COVID-19 Patient Chest CT - Ground Glass Opacities 

COVID19 Infection - CT Chest, POCUS Echocardiogram and
Chest CT - Ground Glass ... CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare
#pocus in a ventilated patient with #covid showing:
Row 1: bilateral, diffuse ground glass (lung) rockets with
diffuse ground glass ... emergencymedicine #covid19 #criticalcare
COVID-19 Patient Chest CT

Another case from Italy, they are skipping the XRAY and going straight to
diffuse ground-glass ... CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare
COVID-19 Chest CT - Case 4

Main aspects of the image: multiple opacities in the glass and
opacities in the glass ... CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare
COVID-19 Chest CT - Case 1

Main aspects of the image: multiple opacities in the glass and
opacities in the glass ... CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare
COVID-19 Chest CT - Case 3

Main aspects of the image: multiple opacities in the glass and
opacities in the glass ... CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare
COVID-19 Chest CT - Case 2

Main aspects of the image: multiple opacities in the glass and
opacities in the glass ... CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare
COVID-19 - A Seattle Intensivist's One-Page Cheat-Sheet on COVID-19 v2.7 Updated March 26 2020

(v2.7) incorporating newer
• CT: ground glass ... #Coronavirus #CriticalCare
Pulmonary Embolism - Risk Stratification and Prognostication based on scores and clinical features

 • Bova score
PE-related) • PESI class ... stratification #criticalcare