1457 results
Laboratory methods for evaluation of coagulation disorders- primary and secondary hemostasis

#Laboratory #Testing #Hemostasis #Coagulation #Hematology
Laboratory methods ... hemostasis #Laboratory ... #Coagulation #Hematology
Laboratory Testing in Hemolytic Anemia

Intravascular vs Extravascular Hemolysis
Unconjugated bilirubin
Peripheral smear
Urine hemosiderin
Urine hemoglobin

#Hemolytic #Anemia #Laboratory #Testing #workup
Laboratory Testing ... Hemolytic #Anemia #Laboratory ... workup #diagnosis #hematology
Interpretation of Components of the CBC (Complete Blood Count)

#CBC #Interpretation #CompleteBloodCount #Hematology #Differential #Diagnosis #Laboratory
CompleteBloodCount #Hematology ... Differential #Diagnosis #Laboratory
Thromboelastogram (TEG) Important Patterns

#Diagnosis #Hematology #Coagulation #Thromboelastogram #TEG #Patterns #Interpretation #Laboratory
#Diagnosis #Hematology ... Interpretation #Laboratory
Learning about thromboelastography (TEG).
- Tom Fadial

#Diagnosis #Hematology #Coagulation #Pharmacology #Thromboelastogram #TEG #Interpretation #Thromboelastography #Laboratory
#Diagnosis #Hematology ... Thromboelastography #Laboratory
Beta-D-Glucan and Galactomannan - Venn Diagram of Fungal Infections

#BetaDGlucan #Galactomannan #Venn #Diagram #diagnosis #microbiology #infectiousdiseases #fungal
Beta-D-Glucan and ... fungal #infections #laboratory
Diagram demonstrating TEG (thromboelastography) variables as they relate to the coagulation cascade.

Dr. Wells Brambl @DoctorWellsMD

#TEG #thromboelastography
anticoagulation #laboratory ... #hematology
Shotgun Laboratory Testing for Severe Acute Livery Injury


#TWDFNR #Testing #Laboratory #LiverInjury #Diagnosis #Workup #Hepatology #EBM #ChoosingWisely
Shotgun Laboratory ... TWDFNR #Testing #Laboratory ... Diagnosis #Workup #Hepatology
Algorithm for Investigation of Abnormal Coagulation Tests
- Prolonged PT
- Prolonged aPTT and Prolonged PT
- Prolonged aPTT

Abnormal #APTT #Laboratory ... #Hematology #Diagnosis
Bayesian combination of 4T score with Heparin PF4 antibody titer to obtain the post-test probability of
Bayesian #Diagnosis #Hematology ... Thrombocytopenia #Laboratory