2775 results
Managing long term side effects of chemotherapy #Management #Peds #Honc #Chemotherapy #SideEffects #Screening #Monitoring #BMJ
chemotherapy #Management ... #Peds #Honc #Chemotherapy
Thrombocytosis Treatment Algorithm
#Management #Honc #Thrombocytosis #Algorithm
Treatment Algorithm #Management ... #Honc #Thrombocytosis
Remdesivir Compassionate Use

We have fielded a lot of requests from around the country for our experience
Peter Chin-Hong ... CompassionateUse #COVID19 #Management
Differential Diagnosis of Anemias #Diagnosis #IM #Honc #Anemia #Differential #Iron #Algorithm #Microcytic #Macrocytic #Normocytic #Ddxof
Diagnosis #IM #Honc
COVID-19 Hypoxia Management

Indication for endotracheal intubation?
Tolerating supplemental oxygen?
Consider HFNC
Not tolerating HFNC or HFNC is not available?
COVID-19 Hypoxia Management ... Consider HFNC Not ... tolerating HFNC ... or HFNC is not ... support #COVID19 #management
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Anemia #Diagnosis #EM #IM #Honc #Anemia #Differential #Workup #Algorithm #Microcytic #Macrocytic
Diagnosis #EM #IM #Honc
REBEL Review 98: Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation Management via Katrina D'Amore, MD

#FOAMed #COVID19 #COVID19FOAM #clinical #treatment
Pressure Ventilation Management ... NIPPV #CPAP #BPAP #HFNC
Oxygen Delivery Systems and Approximate FiO2:
#Management #SupplementalO2 #Oxygen #Delivery #Devices #Interface #FiO2 #NonRebreather #HFNC #NasalCannula #Simple
Approximate FiO2: #Management ... NonRebreather #HFNC
Evaluation of Lymphadenopathy - Localized vs Generalized #Diagnosis #EM #IM #Honc #Lymphadenopathy #Localized #Generalized #Infectious #Malignancy
Diagnosis #EM #IM #Honc
Early Events in Acute GVHD #Pathophys #Honc #GVHD #GraftVersusHostDisease #NEJM
GVHD #Pathophys #Honc