2191 results
Small Bowel Obstruction (Jejunum) Visualized on POCUS
Convex transducer viewing dilated jejunum w/ valvulae conniventes (“keyboard sign”).
Visualized on POCUS ... fluid (tanga sign, star ... #Jejunum #SBO #POCUS
Lone Star Tick Identification

- Emory_MedMicro @Emory_MedMicro

#LoneStart #tick #clinical #microscopy #photo #microbiology
Lone Star Tick Identification
Lone Star Tick Diseases

Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis
Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness (STARI)
Heartland Virus

Dr. Ann Marie Kumfer @AnnKumfer

Lone Star Tick Diseases
Mechanical ventilation in obese patients according to the i-STAR Algorithm
 • Anticipate difficult airway management and
according to the i-STAR ... patients #iSTAR
Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis vs Ehrlichiosis vs Babesiosis
Nonspecific febrile illness with severe headache and myalgia.
Diagnosis: NAAT, Blood
chaffeensis, Tick: Lone Star
This is what a shoulder dislocation looks like on US before and after reduction. Focus on
Focus on the joint ... EM_RESUS #Clinical #POCUS
Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echo (FATE) - Basic FATE views

Pos 1: Subcostal 4-chamber

Pos 2: Apical 4-chamber

Pos 3:
Focus Assessed Transthoracic ... Echocardiogram #POCUS
Forming the platform for my CCS2018 talk, ‘POCUS on ITU’! My infographic on the
ABC's of POCUS ... CCS2018 talk, ‘POCUS ... on the ABC’s of POCUS ... #CriticalCare #POCUS
Cardiac POCUS.  #diagnosis #em #cardiology #pocus
Cardiac POCUS. ... em #cardiology #pocus
Coronary Artery Localization on ECG and POCUS

#Coronary #Artery #Localization #ECG #EKG #Electrocardiogram #Echocardiogram #Diagnosis #Cardiology #Map
Localization on ECG and POCUS ... Cardiology #Map #POCUS