4 results
Radial head fractures are the most common elbow fracture in adults and are
an elbow x-ray ... olecranon fracture, distal ... MetroHealth_EM #RadialHead ... #Radiology #XRay ... #MSK
Triquetral Fracture
The triquetrum is the second most commonly fractured carpal bone. Look for the "pooping duck
Complications are ... to distal ulna, ... Discharge with orthopedic ... Diagnosis #Management #Orthopedics ... #Sports #MSK
Posterior Elbow Dislocation
The elbow is the second most commonly dislocated major joint in adults and the
Complex, involve orthopedics ... Posterior long arm ... Complex, pending orthopedic ... Posterior #Radiology #XRay ... #Sports #MSK
Scaphoid Fractures
The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone. Remember, if a fracture is suspected
not seen on x-ray ... scaphoid entering distally ... fractures that are ... Carpal #Radiology #XRay ... #Sports #MSK